Child care | Sustainable Development Strategy X5 Group

Стратегия устойчивого развития X5 Group

Child care

Since 2006, X5 has been supporting the Life Line Foundation which helps children with severe health problems. The funds raised by the joint initiative allowed over 800 children to receive professional treatment.

 X5 helps its customers support the fund by installing donation boxes in stores, transferring points from customer loyalty cards ('Cardholder Points to Children' project), donating a share of revenue from private labels ('Kindness Candy' project) and similar projects with the Company's other suppliers ('Give a Ray of Hope' project).

Each year, X5 team participates in 'Running for Life', a charity running event organised by Life Line and the United Way charitable foundations. 

We also set up payment terminals at four Karusel hypermarkets in Moscow and the Moscow region to help the Life Line Fund collect donations for the treatment of children with complex health conditions. Buyers can donate 10 or more roubles by simply waving a bank card or smartphone in front of the terminal.

Child care
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