X5 and Sber have piloted green factoring | Sustainable Development Strategy X5 Group

X5 and Sber have piloted green factoring

X5 and Sber have piloted green factoring. Our suppliers whose sustainability credentials are confirmed through an expert review can benefit from better factoring terms Going green is profitable.

The project targets small and medium-sized enterprises. To participate in the programme, a supplier needs to have their ESG performance evaluated and receive at least a C level certificate, which makes themeligible for an extra 75 bps discount off the current financing rate. The certificate is valid for one year and can be used for all transactions in SberFactoring during
this period without any restrictions.

The first five applicants requesting an ESG performance evaluation will obtain certification free of charge. A total of 135 companies can take part in the pilot project. For the application form and more details, see the
project website.

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