The first Х5's ESG Conference | Sustainable Development Strategy X5 Group

Стратегия устойчивого развития X5 Group

The first Х5's ESG Conference

X5 Group has held the Growing Sustainable Together conference, the first conference on sustainable retail, which has been attended by 70 people offline and more than 1,000 people online.

The conference included three sessions that discussed the environmental impact of retail, the importance of environmental cooperation, the promotion of healthy eating and healthy lifestyle habits among customers, and businesses' social responsibility, as well as their opportunities to foster safe neighbourhoods.

The conference brought together 16 speakers, including experts, public officials, suppliers, and X5's top managers, such as Sergei Goncharov, General Director of Pyaterochka, Tatiana Stepanova, Marketing Director of Perekrestok, Vladimir Rudenko, Deputy Director of Russia's Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment's Department for Industrial and Household Waste Management Policy and Regulation, Nikita Kukushkin, an actor and founder of the Pomoshch ("Help") project, Sofia Bryantseva, Lead Nutritionist at Nestlé, Elena Smirnova, Head of the Laboratory for Demography and Nutritional Epidemiology at the Federal Research Centre of Nutrition and Biotechnology, and others.

The opening remarks were delivered by Igor Shekhterman, CEO of X5, who presented the Company's first sustainability report developed in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Sustainability Reporting Standards.

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